Monday, December 14, 2009


have been so lost these few months.. not sure watever i'm doing is rite o wrong? i'm just feeling so so so lost.. seems like there isn't any suitable direction for me to move on.. it's even worse when i had a great fall from the top of my confidence level and now seems like gonna takes time to rebuild it.. omg~~ i'm jus feeling so USELESS rite now... yup.. and i guess some of u that follow me in FB. I did type a phrase 'EGO can bring you to enjoy the highest level of self-satisfaction but it also can drag you down to the lowest point of confidence'. yea..those KNS frens and family members did left some comments telling that i should have admit it earlier.. haha.. yea.. an EGO person leaving such phrase.. sure got sth wrong wif me rite? dun ask me what happen? i'm not sure..

STRESS?? of cos got la.. but it seems like it's not related to STRESS.. my besties advised me to had a long holiday.. and I DID!! tat was the longest leaves (10 days straight) that i'd taken ** yup.. during the time when my dad was hospitalised and THANK GOD! he's fine now ** and i should say tat's the best and worst time i had. haha... freak me out.. haha.. did nuthin except keep my mum accompany as my siblings are working. my sis went back to SG and bro went back to KL. so?? no one at home to make sure she's not kelam kabut..

RELATIONSHIP?? no wor.. liangzai n me quite ok.. stil fight all the times. but we do enjoy our new lives at new place.. haha.. 2 of us in 22' X 75' place.. yea.. house work is like killing me but no worries.. i jus hired a FOC phillipino he-maid ** liangzai **.. so he does all the cleaning and i'm sticking my butt on the chairs and make my fingers to do all the typing and clicking all the time right in front of my lappie. and when the stupid thing named 'INTERNET CONNECTION' doesnt work properly, i will then ask my IT specialist to gao tim the rest of the thing at once. AGAIN, it's Free of CHARGE!! how nice rite? yahoo~~

FINANCIAL?? er.. aiyo.. so PNC.. dowan to tel can o not? er.. ok la.. jus to fulfill all the curiousity out there.. nuthin to worry too.. cos my account balance will tinggal RM1 every end of the month due to high expenses and low salary. yea.. nuthin to be proud of.. but other way round, i'm quite proud to announce it out cos.. U THINK WANNA SPEND ALL YOUR MONEY SO EASY MEH?? SUMMORE NIT TO HAVE A BALANCE OF 1 BUCK.. hahaha... oh ya.. i kno what u all will think... I stil got liangzai ma.. liangzai's money is mine and mine is still mine rite? so pandai.. yea.. he even geng.. can left RM0.50 in his account.. oppss.. sorry dear, i gotta make u feel proud of this over here.. hahaa...

see?? i jus dunno wat happened to me.. i still can remember one of my juniors asked me abt my resolutions, my dreams and achievement i had throughout the years and etc etc.. and guess what? i'm totally BLANK.. so pathetic rite? ** opps.. i'd forgotten that i got a DSLR.. i'd forgotten that i'd just move in to my new place.. i'd forgotten that i'd a nice trip wif my bunch of craziest frens to phuket and my dearest liangzai... these are all considered as some of my achievements rite? **

i went home last weekend and enjoy the times at home.. yea.. do nuthin but keep my fingers to do the job rite in front of my lappie and also keep my mouth do the job for making sure all the food are digested starting from my mouth down to the throat then down to my tummy and make sure it come out become SHIT! haha.. hard job, u kno.. cos some medical articles mentioned that ladies got the highest percentage of kena CONSTIPATION.. so? gotta make sure this dont hit me lo.. o else whole face pimples again.. aiyo...

so how?? apa macam?? apa buleh buat?? =.=" have u all been thru this?? i think i'm moving into DEPRESSION stage.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Home Cook Curry Chicken

i dunno wat happened to me today as the curry chicken's recipe popped out into my mind out of sudden. haha.. This is the first time i'm trying this out.

Early morning went to the market and get all the stuff i wanted.

Ingredients (3-4 Servings)
1. Half Chicken (Depends on which part you prefer.. haha.. some ppl prefer thigh part.. some ppl prefer breast) - chopped into small pieces - marinated with soy sauce for 30-45mins.
2. Small Onions - 10 - chopped
3. Garlic - 5 - chopped
4. Ginger - 3-4 slices - chopped
5. Curry Powder - 1 packet - 24gm
6. Carrot - 2 - cubed
7. Curry Leaves - 20-30pcs ** secukup rasa **
8. Salt ** secukup rasa **
9. Potatoes - 3 - cubed
10. Coconut Milk - 100gm
11. Water

1. Deep fry potatoes till it turned to golden.
2. Scoop the extra oil out.
3. Stir fry onions, garlic, ginger & curry leaves till fragrant.
4. Add in chicken and stir fry.
5. Mix curry powder with water & add into the chicken.
6. Add carrots & potatoes.
7. Add water until it's covering the ingredients.
8. Add in salt.
9. Simmer with High temperature for 15mins.
10. Turn the temperature to low and simmer for another 15-20mins.
11. Add in Coconut Milk and simmer for another 3-5 mins.
12. Ready to be served.

haha.. well, it's not because we're small eaters. it just that there are other dishes. That's y i don't dare to cook that much since it's my first time rite? hahaha.. well, it turned out YUMMY.. another Self-satisfaction project!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Don't Jealous OK??

yes!! sporting n frenly guy! handsome and man.. aiyo... dear ladies, don't get jeles when u see this ya.. wahahaha.. i'm damn excited and syok till.... dunno how to describe.. wahhaha..hope he browsed in my blog and leave some comments..

and he is









he took pic wif liangmui... OMG!!! crazy over him...

ok.. Dear Ladies... Don't Get JEALOUS ok??

Friday, October 30, 2009

Phuket Trip Day 2... (Part 3)

aiyo.. I'M STILL ALIVE LA.. just tat i'm lazy to update my blog d.. hahhaa... continue continue...

4th Destination... Monkey Island.. to see all the monkeys.. female, male and kids..wahahha...

Male Monkey..
Female one...

We were advised not to touch the monkeys.. but the monkeys molested us wor.. can sue them o not ar?

after short break in the island, we proceeded to Phi Phi Island. Now onli i kno Phi Phi island consists of 2 islands. Phi Phi Leh & Phi Phi Don.

We stopped at one of the island to have our lunch. Buffet style.. taste so-so. but stil can eat la.. but i was reali exhausted d... so after lunch, i had my own sweet nap. :D

break for 1 hour.. then heading to next station.. the other Phi Phi island. This island got better scenery. Smooth sand.. Lotsa ppl.. Nice sea..

see.... tat's the way we enjoy ourselves.. wahahha... at first planned to make a sandcastle but then we changed it to fool the other fren :) salute him for his sporting-ness!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Phuket Trip... Day 2 (Part 2)

paisei for not updating my blog for some time.. now i continue my trip post ya.. :)

2nd destination - Pileh Cove..

basically.. nuthin much :) but u can reali enjoy the scenery.. and also crystal clear water.. most of the boats are stopping aside for the tourists to enjoy the scenery. the weather was nice. not too shiny nor too windy.. ngam ngam..u can feel the sea breeze swaying along ur skin.. phew~~ damn relaxing..

after stopping for some time, reach 3rd destination..

Viking Cave..

This was the place where orang zaman dulu dulu stay de. The tour guide said there are some drawings on the walls of the cave.. neh.. those we studied in our History subject during scool days.. haha.. not sure how true.. cos we din get the chance to get into the cave. Now it has become the place to get birds' nests. wow!! some security guards are hired to stay there to protect the birds. :)

crystal clear water.. see.. can see the fishes ler.. but i think the fishes are reali hungry cos when we threw the bananas and breads, the fishes are like the jaws that smells blood.. rushing for the food. And surprisingly, the food was like 'Now you see it.. now you don't' in less than 5 seconds.. can you imagine that?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Phuket Trip... Day 2 (Part 1)

2nd day of trip.. damn syok.. excited.. but i dun feel quite well. mayb due to the weather o the environment. woke up earli morning. feeling a bit sien sien (laziness). blur blur took my breakfast then waited 20min for the van to pick us up.

the journey to jetty is abt 40min. damn tired and sleepy. reached the jetty with full of blurness in my head.. wahaha... but stil can remember to take some pics la..

The Jetty
Liangmui and June..

Then then... guess wat?? we gotta take speed boat to each and every stop. =.=" speed boat wor... luckily i swallowed a pill to avoid seasick. weather is kinda windy. so the sea is kinda wavy and the boat is damn bumpy. some of the passengers vomitted in the boat.. yucks.. well, liangzai n me are quite lucky as we're sitting at the front side of the boat. so it's veli syok especially when the strong wind blowing towards me. feeling like flying off the boat.. wahahha.. but too bumpy la.. bump until my bones macam wanna crack off.. wahha... tahan tahan.. for 40mins again.

First Station... Maya Beach.

Honestly, i like this place compared to Phi Phi Island. the sea is veli crystal clear and blue... the scenery is nice.. the sand is soft.. omg!! i wanna go there again. lotsa tourists. the toilet design is quite special. whahaha...

Camho wif liangzai

ok.. gotta stop here. sory.. hv to work liao. boss is sitting behind me.. hehe :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Phuket Trip.. Day 1

went to phuket during merdeka wif my bunch of 38 collix. had a great fun.. flight departed at 12.45pm. so reached LCCT ard 1030am wor.. cos they said we gotta check in 2 hrs earlier.. so woke up earli morning.. get ready.. waited CMZ to reach my new home. then my cute bro sent us to airport.. sweet of him..

reached PIA (Phuket International Airport) ard 2pm (msia time).. rented a van for 1100baht to go to hotel. yea.. it was a 45mins journey. and i was oledi damn blur. weather was not good. raining cats and dogs when we reached phuket.

so the pic tells u how was the weather tat day.

Patong Beach ard 6pm

ok.. i lazy to type.. wanna oi oi d.. update later

Saturday, September 5, 2009

D5000.. New Toy

finally.. i managed to get myself another new toy.. yes!! DSLR - Nikon D5000. after a few recommendations from my collix, i finally get this for myself.. :)

i'm still exploring the functions and learn how to take more great pics.. nop.. not regretting to have it.

coincidently, i met an tourist from aussie.. she have the same model but she bought it for AUD2000.. mine is onli Rm2.9k. i guess she must hv those international services/waranty lo.. haha..

wanna see my baby??

TA DA...

tel u all honestly la..i nv been so hardworking in reading manual. now i'm reading the manual to play ard wif my baby.. haha..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Movies Month

3 movies in one month and guess wat?? 2 of them is free of charge.. yahoo~~ although i stil haven't break Tallboyz's record, er.. i forgotten how many movies he watched in a month d.. i stil enjoy it.. :D

1st one hv to pay money.. was planning to reserve for transformers earlier but then all the cinemas were fully booked. kns!! so?? i booked for ICE AGE 3 instead.. yes.. i'm cartoon cum animation lover.. how can i miss such a cutie movie rite? had been chasing over ICE AGE since the first part. hehe... liangzai wanted to get DVD instead. but then i insisted to hv a watch in the cinema.. different feel ma.. rite rite? and.. ok, it didn't disappoint us.. great one.. too bad.. it's quite short.. and guess which characters i love the most... No! Not the Mammoth (Ellie n Manny).. No! Not the Tiger (Diego).. No! Not the i-dunno-wat-animal-is tat (Sid).. ok.. u guys almost got it rite?? No! Not the one going after the acorn(Scrat)... yes yes!! the twins.. haha.. Crash and Eddie.. damn cute and 38 la.. just like me.. love them the most..

see.. they are damn cute rite?

2nd one.. Free tickets by Our Dept.. :) KPI KPI.. mus go.. wahhah.. well, actuali it's just that i couldn't book Transformers earlier.. that's y hv to wait for free tickets on 17th July. haha.. great one.. free coke and popcorn.. not bad rite? hanging out wif one bunch of IT ppl. i think sunway pyramid is almost crowded with our ppl.. haha.. joking la.. over exaggerating it d.. great animation. phew~~ love it. and of cos, not forgetting the sexy Fox, hehe.. MEGAN FOX.. reali envy her wif her nice hour-glass body figure. liangzai couldn't get his eyes off from her body. jeles-nya... as for me? of cos i'm not eyeing on the HERO la.. not hensem de.. i'm eyeing on the robots.. Bumble Bee... the Twins again... and and and Optimus Prime.. hehe.. veli yeng jai...

it was supposed to be only for staffs. but i ended up bringing liangzai along cos Jim Jim couldn't make it. so I just tak tau malu and mintak the ticket from him lo.. hehhee...

ok ok.. wat bt today?? well, got another pair of free tickets from June again. hehe :) The Proposal.. i kno it's not screen yet.. hehe.. damn happy.. previously i joined a contest organised by GSC rgding on this movie too. and guess wat?i received an email from them :) free movie tickets again. it's on 25th July.. stil thinking whether to watch it 2nd time o not.. lets see how...

the Proposal wor.. I just recalled that liangzai proposed me in front of Coffee Bean in Genting.. wahahha.. with only one bouquet of lilies.. without ring.. stupid me! agreed so fast.. :P should forced him to get me a big diamond first rite? haha..

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hair Cut!!

yes!! got my hair cut short again!.. ok.. Cyndi n SS just complained that I'm supposed to keep it long but but but.... i stil prefer it short.. cos I'm a lil boyish.. plus LAZY bum.. :) that's y cut it short..

was supposed to have my hair cut last Sat but Nicole (the hair stylist) was busy at that time. and we couldn't spend much time in waiting for her as there's a long queue. so we made it on Sunday instead.

11am on Sunday, waited Nicole outside her shop. phew~ crazy.. jus one hair cut and we had to wait for her to open the shop. and the bad thing is SHE WAS LATE for 30mins.. so so so.. crazy... tat's jus because I'm too ADDICTED wif short hair d.. so can't wait to see my hair to chop off short.. wahah...

ok.. first customer of the day. I just told her.. CUT SHORT WIF NEW HAIR STYLE! wahhaa.. and she patiently cut my hair.. me?? almost fall asleep while she was chopping off my hair.. too tired.. y?? cos hv to remove sth from Facebook. ** oi.. u kno who i meant rite? Nescafe Tarik satu.. thanks ** it took her almost 30mins i guess.. cos i'd oledi snoring like a pig in the saloon. luckily liangzai n me was in the saloon. or else damn paisei..

yes!! satisfied with the results..

liangzai n me

Front view


left.. the 'yeng' part.. i like this the most... veli short!

NEW LOOK.. gotta motivate myself a bit by chopping off my messy hair.. tomolo gotta start working d.. sien...

Monday, June 15, 2009

June's Bday

** DENG Chris!! my title was Chris' June's Bday .. he scat his gf wor.. yoh.. not sporting geh... **

she will kill me if she read this. and i kno chris will enjoy it veli much.. haha.. die lar. both oso my frens... how ar? ok la.. june, come and kill me la..

nuthin much we can do during her bday celebration too. cos it fell on weekend and all of us r not free.. haha.. so?? replaced it on last monday lo (8 june 09). went out for a dinner together. ya.. summore hv to drive all the way from office to Telok Gong, Klang.. aiyo.. tiring la.. wat to do? fren ma.. hv to sacrifice a bit. haha..

who else going? erm.. chris chris lo, mei-mei (MZ) lo, june june lo, april lo, bra bra (subra) lo, onn onn (WO) lo n jim jim (LA) lo.. opps.. terlupa me..and liangmui lo..haha.. 8 of us.. 5 cars.. damn crazy. government wans us to car pool but almost each n everyone of us driving one car.. cos balik tak same tempat ma.. tat's y lo.

reached the restaurant ard 8pm. chris chris had a nice pics for us first.yea.. the ladies..

Mei-mei, June June, April n Liangmui.. ** ya, this is the first time i'm wearing skirt to office.. and i regretted!**

ok... masuk restaurant.. waiting for food. snapped pics again.

June June, Mei-Mei, Liangmui n April.

Not forgeting the guys...

Jim jim, Bra bra, Onn Onn and Chris chris..

cam-whoring again...

Chris n June.

Liangmui & April

don't judge a book by its cover.. both of them can reali eat a lot!

June and the bloody stuff.. haha.. joking la.. she's not coughing blood la.. actuali she's wanna help i-forgotten-who's-the-person to crack the crab's shell off. and it ended up like tat due to her super-hard bang on the crab. phew~ luckily i belum kena from her.. or else i think i nit to get a famous plastic surgeon from korea to gao tim my face.. haha..

ok.. cake cutting session..

wat happened to me? essh.. cos i actuali untied the ribbon and then got scolded by chris cos i'm not the birthday gal. he wanted his june to untie it herself.. tat's y i nit to tie it back.

june's turn to untie it.. deng chris chris.. stupid la...

See-toohh-beh-lei (strawberry) cho-co-lat (chocolate) cake.. hehe.. 0.5kg.. wahah.. not we stingy.. jus tat cant finished the cake if i get it bigger than tat.. so hv to save money a bit.. 0.5kg oso kenot finish d.. nice o not? er.. i dunno wor.. cos i cant take chocolate la.. another nice scolding from the gang.. cos getting a cake wic i cant even taste it myself.. well, i shld say i'm lucky as i dun hv to finish the cake later.. hahaha.. :P

wish wish and then cut the cake and then?? eat lo....

**sigh~~ ** 7 of us.. cant finish the cake.. and then? the crazy june june suggested to play 'Count Fingers'. Rules: each of us will show our fingers out and start counting and get the number. then will start counting the person. the one who got the number will then be punished.. wahhaha.. wat else can the punishment b?? FINISHED UP THE CAKE. ya ya.. i'm considered lucky cos i dun hv to eat the cake...

but.... hv to bottoms up the drink i had on my hand + one tiny bun.. ok.. HEINEKEN.. :P teruk la.. luckily it's half glass..

well, i slowly sipped and then makan the bun then take a bigger mouth of beer.. but they said hv to be exactly half.. phew~~ they made me spitted out some of the beer out from my mouth.. yuckss~~

can u see the bread floating there??

and the worst thing is.. i'm the 2nd loser again. chris challenged me to drink back tat drink. ok.. accepted and they had to salute me :P.. ** next time dun play play wif liangmui **

and the game continued...

2nd Loser



5th.. kesian him.. hv to finish one big piece of cake.. 1 glass of Heineken.. and 1 glass of Guiness.. luckily he din vomit.. wahhaa...

last... er.. sth happened to him.. but we kenot disclose it wor.. or else he threaten to complain to our boss and our KPI will drop.. teruk teruk.. tat's y.. dun b so fren wif managers.. :S

got Mei mei n Bra bra.. i oso dunno y their pics are not included.... hai~~

ok la.. the night was no more young.. haha.. hv a nice group pic..

ok.. they cam-ho again..

time to go back.. and i speed like nobody's business.. u all kno lar.. i'm driving SLK ma.. fled faster than Gardenia(Caldina) and BMW (Banyak Masuk Workshop).. haha.. but then.. who cares?? as long as i reahed home safely and sleep like a pig :P

** june ask us to respect her as her bf is not chris.. haha... **