Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When My Man Fills In The Form

sickening when i saw liangzai filling in the form. ya ya.. wanan apply credit card wor.. jus for emergency use. plus alliance allow us to change the card pattern and the sakai him put our family photo wic i think it sucks. but as long as he's happy wif it then ok lo...

the conversation went like this

L - Liangzai
M - Liangmui

L: honey, wat's my 'JANTINA' (gender)?
M: ok, jus put 'PEREMPUAN' (female).. ** was in sleeping mode **

after a while...
L: Honey, why must we put Mother's Maiden Name? I'm the one who apply for the card. y i nit to put my mum's name??
M: -_-" tat's for verification. u can put anything. not necessary to put ur mum's name..
L: ok.. then i put C*B*I can?
M: can.. u wanna put La* Jia* oso can.. as u wish.. but i bet u dun dare to say it out when the ppl ask for verification :P

then i was abt to dooze into my beauty sleep.. i heard him murmured to himself...
L: aiyo.. ask for no. of dependency summore.. i got 2 ma.. my papa n mama
M: -_-"
L: stupid rite? ask for my annual income... how much i hv ler? ** picking his calculator and start calculating ** ok.. i have onli RM2000 per annum after deducting my expenses...
M: oi.. u dowan to sleep, i wan ler.. can u pls shut ur mouth up?

see.. next time i will kick him out of the room when he start to fill in any application forms. KNS!!